Saturday, May 13, 2017

Becca's Frittata and onion butter!

I recently got into making frittatas and onion butter...this is what I do...roughly.

You need:
cast iron skillet
choice of meat to be put in eggs (breakfast sausage, bacon, ham, etc.)
at least 1 dozen eggs (depends on size of skillet) and scramble them.
choice of cheese (A nice cheddar works great!) and grate it.
choice of veggie (spinach, broccoli, peppers, etc.)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Cook your meat in the cast iron skillet with a little butter or oil.  When it is done, put in a separate bowl, and cook your veggies in the skillet.  When they have released most of your moisture, take them out also.

Put cast iron on medium heat, put two or so tablespoons of butter in, and then add your eggs to the pan.  Let it sit and cook for about a minute, then start layering the veggies, meat, and finish with cheese on top.  Put in the oven.  Check it every 5-10 minutes.  After about 20-25 minutes, should be raised evenly on top, won't jiggle if you shake it, and has a nice crust of cheese on top.  Let it set for 5 minutes and enjoy.

Onion Butter:
Cook an onion in 2 sticks of butter, in a small sauce pan, on low for at least 30 minutes, making sure it doesn't brown - onions should be clear and extremely soft.  Easiest way, is to dice the onion and salt it, then add to pan with melted butter and let it simmer for a bit.  Put it all in blender or use immersion blender to emulsify.  Enjoy on the frittata or basically anything...cause it's amazing...

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