Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Your father smelt of elderberries...and didn't need a flu shot?

          To my dearest readers,
        It is ever pressing that the darkness of flu season is approaching...children are back in school, they have become the breeding grounds of all illness, convening daily for a ritualistic growing campaign for the ever demonized "flu"...

         Last flu season*2013*, one of the "worst ever", (note: doesn't it seem like EVERY year is the "worst ever"...:-\  Don't buy into the hype...), passed seamlessly for my family.  My mom and closest friend BOTH got some funky, whammy of a bug.  I saw my mom during said "bug", I was unaffected, as well as my infant son and husband...However, I heard a few awful stories of people who died of the "flu" last year.  It sounded super scary...it really did....and I am sure, for some, it really was!

Until I looked for information on this...
            A. it wasn't always confirmed it was actually the FLU, influenza VIRUS (antibiotics do not work on the true flu, as the flu is viral, and antibiotics work on bacteria, not viruses...if your doctor doesn't check for viral or bacterial, and prescribed you an antibiotic, go with caution.  An antibiotic will make things MUCH worse if it is a virus, and either way, will leave your body open to another infection.  I believe that antibiotics should really be used in life-threatening situations ONLY, with extreme caution...I have other suggestions in this blog, for immune boosting, healthy alternatives!)...almost every disease presents with some common "flu-like symptoms".  Fever, aches, chills, etc...pretty much every disease can fall under that category at some point during the illness...
            B.  No case history was given of these people's medical history...that's a huge privacy issue.  BUT the media labeled them "healthy and young" almost always...but, unless that reported has seen medical records, examined the post mortem body, and is a doctor...oh, and is acquainted with them personally, I highly doubt that "healthy and young" is anything more than an opinion, stated as fact. 
            C.  It was always noted when they didn't receive a flu shot.  Emphasis was often placed on this "fact" (which I still think is a violation of HIPPA), and again, just an opinion.  Did the reporter know 100% that these deceased didn't get a flu shot?  How can they speak with authority on that AND release that information?  How about the deaths from the flu, in people who DID receive the flu shot?
            D.  Personal observation - I had NEVER seen such a push for the flu shot, as I did last year, in all my life.  I would go to my local Target, Walmart, Publix (grocery store), etc. and saw posters, signs, stickers on name tags, etc. to stay well - get your flu shot.  Multiple signs outside of every pharmacy - GET YOUR FLU SHOTS HERE!  It felt like a barrage of flu shot propaganda to stay healthy via injection of toxins and deactivated viruses.

         I don't think C. and D. are unrelated...there is a huge push in modern America for vaccines.  Even in "unbiased" journalism.  Whether or not you are for or against vaccines, is unimportant.  The issue I have is the misinformation on the matter, and what can we do instead. And from anecdotal issues, I know MANY people who ended up MUCH sicker for having the shot...a friend who is a hospital volunteer comes to mind - she got her flu shot, didn't know that there were any risks at all, thought it was required...  Her asthma flared up to the point she had to go back on to regular steroid use.  She became extremely ill for about 4 months - missed weeks of school (and volunteering), lost a bunch of weight (not that she was overweight) due to not eating well and loss of appetite, and just had issue after issue.  I talked with her about the illness (no mention of the shot) and she said "I got the flu shot and everything went downhill.  Next year I am going to decline because I never want to be this sick again!  I have felt awful for months now.  I hate being like this!"  < maybe this was all a coincidence...maybe not.

          Now, here are some stats on the flu shot:
 1.  It is NOT tested on pregnant women for efficacy (if it will work or not) OR SAFETY! 
"Safety and effectiveness of Fluzone Quadrivalent have not been established in pregnant women or children less than 6 months of age." (source: FDA)

"Safety and effectiveness of AFLURIA have not been established in pregnant women or nursing mothers" (source: FDA

"Safety and effectiveness of FluMist Quadrivalent have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers, geriatric adults, or children less than 2 years of age." (source: FDA)

"Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL have not been established in pregnant women or nursing mothers." (source: FDA)

Infact, there is an increased risk of miscarriage if you get the flu vaccine while pregnant. Also, if it isn't safe for under six months, how is it safe for a fetus?   No, it isn't listed on the package inserts, because they haven't been tested for safety...see where I am going with this? 

Find your package insert here if you are curious!

2.  The flu shot is about 50% effective according to the CDC...and 1% effective in independent tests...and then that efficacy varies depending on what age group you are in.  <2 years old, there is no evidence that the shot is beneficial at all.  And it is becoming commonplace to recommend 2 shots a year!  If you are over 65, there is no evidence that it is helpful then either...and there have been no efficacy tests on the high dose version, that is always promoted to seniors. 
"Data demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Fluzone High-Dose are not available." (source: FDA)  
So the high dose, "more effective", vaccine is merely marketed as such, not actually proven to be.
"If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times higher than if he/she had one, 2 or no shots. " - Hugh Fudenberg, MD...just stuff to consider...

And while most flu vaccines contain inactivated viruses (note: it is not a dead virus!  Viruses aren't technically alive, therefore, cannot die..only be inactivated...) and there is some evidence that dormant, or inactivated viruses can reactivate.  It is still under investigation, but it is wise to not jump the gun on injecting viruses.

Here's plenty more from scientific journals about flu vaccine and side effects:

A recent one from British Medical Journal showing the error of injecting flu virus.

Vaccinated are more likely to spread flu in their breath.

Healthy people have died from this vaccine also.  You can google that information for yourself :)

OK, so I have harped on a sore issue for a long time...now onto the prevention part!

FLU PREVENTION!  (these are all safe while pregnant, under your doctor or midwife's supervision.  I took almost all of these at some point while pregnant - using a good brand is important, and this whole post isn't intended to treat or diagnose any illness.  Always talk to your healthcare provider, especially when pregnant!)

1.  Vit D3 - This study shows that Vit D supplementation helps with flu prevention, specifically in school age children.  Personally, since I have started taking Vit D semi-regularly, I have not gotten the flu.  Now, you hate pills, or your child doesn't like taking pills or won't/can't, there is a convenient spray option, that actually tastes good!  Harvard Health attributes Vit D (and a few other vitamins, including vitamin C) to better health...so overall, it isn't going to hurt to probably take a little extra.  You can always have your Vit D. levels tested as well.  (also, this is safe while pregnant.  I took nearly 10,000 IU's while pregnant!  And didn't get sick even once!)

2.  Vit C - There is some evidence that Vit C can help kill cancer, it prevents scurvy, and help with a variety of other things.  It really is a wonderful thing, especially when sick.  Clearly, this is a good idea when you are ill.  Here's a good one:  Vit C supplement  (Also, safe while pregnant in reasonable doses, especially the brand I referenced, because it is in whole food form, not isolate)  Vit C is also used in natural whooping cough treatment - and I know many people who have used it successfully, on infants, with no antibiotics.  Very safe and effective! 

3.  Colloidal Silver - this is highly debated.  I won't put tons of info on this, but anecdotally, people claim this to be a wonderful option for all sorts of ailments.  I don't have any myself, but I wouldn't be opposed to buying it.  It is really hard for this to be toxic(really large quantities would have to be ingested), so there isn't much risk...the debate is if there is any benefit.  I leave it to you to research this one and make that choice for yourself.  (Use caution when pregnant!)

4.  Elderberry - Studies show that this is excellent for the immune system.  Hands DOWN!  The beauty of this little berry is that it is safe for pregnant women (in moderate amounts, as with anything natural or pharmaceutical, just because it is 'safe' doesn't mean it should be consumed in excess...food, in general, is safe too...and water...but excess of either is no longer safe)  Sometimes it is made with sugar, honey, or stevia.  If you are pregnant, keep in mind, that honey MAY have botulism (super rare, but tread with caution...I ate  raw eggs, honey, etc. while pregnant, but it was a risk I knew I was taking...and just because honey is pasteurized, doesn't make it safer than raw honey.  Raw honey actually kills botulism...the problem is the spores.  They CAN survive in raw honey.  So don't feed your infants raw honey is you are worried - infants should only be having breastmilk anyways, till 6 months old(or formula if that is what you use).  A developed adult gut can handle the spores, and shouldn't pose a problem....anyways, I digress...)  Elderberry is a great, safe way to boost the immune system.  It is also easy to make yourself!  It doesn't take long, and one batch last me quite a while, and I was able to give some away as well!  You can purchase elderberry kits or syrup(if you are local) directly from me, at None of Your Beeswax!  You also can buy elderberry syrup, already made, at most drug stores - please try to brew your own, or buy from a local brewer - much better taste and quality.

5.  Echinacea - another hotly debated immune helper.  There are MANY ways and parts of the plant to take this - tea, capsule, leaves, flower, root, extract, etc.  So, finding any TRUE studies comparing this, is hard, because there are so many ways, and different parts, and then there's the subjectivity of the individuals studied, conflicts of interest, etc.  Anecdotally, I have used this countless times for colds/flu, even as a small child.  My husband and I usually take it via tea (Traditional Medicinals brand).  The best part of that is that it tastes good for a medicinal tea, like a minty tea, and it is readily available at Walmart, Publix, Vitamin Shoppe, health food stores, Target, etc.  The extract has been shown to be quite potent also.  Most health food and natural stores should carry this.  You would dilute it in water and drink it quickly.  The benefit to the extract is that is gets in your blood stream quickly.  Echinacea is so cheap and handy, I always have some in the house, sick or not, just incase.  This is also safe while pregnant.
6.  Apple Cider Vinegar - Bragg's brand is the best...that needed to be stated first!  I have used this for sore throats, UTI's, flu and colds galore!  There are many home remedies that use this.  I personally find that if I am feeling even slightly under the weather, I drink a glass with about 2 tbsp. of vinegar, some raw honey, a big ole dump of organic cinnamon, and I usually never "get" what was coming...  This is again, safe for pregnant women (see the honey blurb in #4 - Echinacea).  I used this if I ever felt a sore throat, headache, or "bleh" feeling while pregnant...worked like a charm.  I was never actually sick my entire 41 weeks of pregnancy.  This is also cheap and useful, so I always have it in the house.  It is also readily available through Publix, Walmart, health food stores (if your health food store DOESN'T have this, it is in the wrong category of stores), and I think Target also has it...**Edt:  many places now carry raw, organic "with the mother" apple cider vinegar - all the brands I have tried seem to be on par with Bragg's!

7.  Essential oils - I use DoTERRA and Mountain Rose Herbs brand.  The ones that help with flu symptoms are Oregano, On Guard, Breathe (for congestion mainly), Purify (use it in the air in the "sick rooms"), and Frankincense.  There is a lot of debate what is safe to use with infants and children.  I have used On Guard, Breathe, and peppermint on Samuel, and "purified" the room he would sleep in before he was in it, even under 6 months old.  There is a lot of debate on this one too, so research it yourself.  I know dozens of people who have used them safely from birth to old age.  It is important to dilute in a safe carrier oil if you choose this route, and know that some EO's cause respiratory issues in infants or children...or CAN cause them would be a better way of putting it.  With my family, they have only helped us become healthier, and I just love them...and I really think they have made "natural parenting" so much easier, even with the cost!

Now...what if you already have the "flu", cold or have a fever...what should help with it?

A.  Bone broth - you make this from the bones of good animals, in a crock pot, kettle, or the likes, for a very long time.  The nourishment comes from the bones, but needs to be cooked a good long while to render that nourishment.  The whole idea that chicken soup is good for you while sick is actually true.  But the standard chicken soup from the STORE is not the same thing...you need to make your own stock for the benefits, as most commercial stocks do not take this time and effort!  One big batch lasts me a LOOONG time!  And it is great to cook with too!  Here's an easy recipe!  (Safe while pregnant)

B.  Willow bark - willow bark is wonderful!  It is the natural Tylenol in this unnatural world!  It is fascinating because it has been used by Native Americans for hundreds of years, and is wonderful for headaches and fever.  Now, it does NOT taste good!  It is bitter as all get out...My mom, wonderful natural lady she is, didn't really like many things about Tylenol when we were kids, so she used this for our fevers more often than not.(Turns out, Tylenol is really awful for infants and children...it is bad for adults, but at least we know what we are doing to ourselves, and can properly express what we are feeling.) She would put a good squirt of extract in a little glass, with water, and make us drink it down super quick.  Then, she would give us some tasty orange juice to make it worth our while.  You can mix the extract in juices or teas if that makes it easier to take down :). I have never had the tea form of willow bark, only capsules or extract.  From personal experience, the extract seems to work better on both Daniel and I.  I am sure the tea would yield similar results. 
(generally safe while pregnant!  Certainly safer than the recommended Tylenol!)

(Capsules don't often work as well, because the herb basically has to digest and nutrients to eventually come out, all in the short time it is in your body...and if your body is sick, it may not be sending as much energy to the digestive tract, and therefore, not absorbing as many nutrients...teas and extracts already have a lot of those nutrients readily available, and I think are just more effective at treating these issues.  That being said, they don't often taste good...) 

 C. Essential oils - these help with recovery as well as prevention, see above, #7 :)  (mostly safe while pregnant, depending on the oil)

D. Wet sock therapy - I have a natural momma friend who SWEARS by this method!   Note: I would not do this while pregnant.  Changing body temps drastically isn't great to do while pregnant(especially warming up), and would only do this if my midwife approved. 

E.  Teas - I drink a variety of teas when I am sick...Echinacea tea (see above #5), green tea for its cleansing effects, antioxidants, and mild caffeine (keeps me going to the bathroom and a bit of energy!), chamomile is always wonderful, especially if you are having trouble sleeping or stomach upset.  This one has chamomile and lavender, so it is great, especially if you or the child is suffering with anxiety while not feeling well.  If making tea makes you stay hydrated by drinking more fluids better, then please do that.  (generally safe while pregnant!)

F.  Water, water, water!  It is so very important to stay hydrated, so as to fuel your body with the means to remove the waste, as well as transport important nutrients through the body.  I don't love to drink water when sick, so I typically do "shots" of apple cider vinegar and water, and drink lots of teas, mainly herbal...see above - E.  (safe while pregnant)

G.  Juice - if you are going to drink juice while sick, it is best that it is fresh juice, meaning, juiced in your house.  Ginger is great while sick (strong though, keep that in mind), orange juice is great for you while sick too, because of the vit C and dose of healthy sugars for readily available fuel, but most store bought OJ is so processed and altered, most of the vit C is damaged or reduced, so it is not a good source of Vit C anymore, despite claims on the bottle.  Air, light, heat, etc. all change and denature the Vit C, so it is best to have it fresh, and as minimally processed :)  Keep in mind, sugar hurts the immune system to some extent, so if you can get your vit C without getting sugar, that is the best course of action.  (safe while pregnant)

H.  Sleep - this may be the best thing ever while sick...of course, mommas have a hard time with this, when littles are about.  SO good luck...  If you have no children, and are sick, and able to call out of work, consider yourself blessed and sleep for the rest of us!  (safe, and recommended while pregnant :) )

So that is it, I think...if you made it this far, congrats.  Sorry if I am long winded in this, and many other blog posts, but I want to be thorough! 

Here's to health, wellness, and no flu shots,

Becca H.

P.S. Here is some caution on Tamiflu and why not to use it!
P.P.S my favorite article on fevers and Tylenol.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

FYI, some DIY, for you to make ASAP...

              So I have been rather "natural" most of my life...but as natural as I was raised, never would I have ever thought I would make my own toothpaste, baby butt balm, stretch mark oils, sunscreen, or deodorant...or take a shot at no-poo-ing...Now, everyone finds their own happy medium.  I try to keep it as simple as possible - only a few ingredients, cheaply when possible, but high quality.  Things I look for in ingredients lists that I avoid - propylene glycol, parabens (polyparaben, monoparaben, etc.  many forms found in MANY things), aluminum...aluminum is in all kinds of skin and hair care...not in my house! Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, mineral oil, and these are just the tip of the iceberg. And you can go to EWG and run your possible product through their skin deep seciton, and check out the toxicity level.  They even have a great phone app! They also have a great list of things to avoid...way better than mine ;-)

So here is what I use for:

Baby lotion - coconut oil. 
Baby diaper rash - coconut oil or breastmilk...
Funky skin or hair - coconut oil...OR breastmilk...
                   if coconut oil or breastmilk doesn't fix it...then we need to get more pricey and likely make something.  Needless to say, it rarely gets to that point...I have used Boudreax's butt paste - in the green tube(I bought it at Target) in a pinch.  It isn't the best though(has nanoparticles in it)...I recently returned an unused tube, so as to get the ingredients I need to make my own.  There is a lot of recent evidence that zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are actually super small particles, nano-particles...so small they get into the skin and cells and cause all kinds of problems.  You want "non-nano"...meaning, they aren't super small in size...they are bigger, and won't penetrate cellular membranes.  You can pretty easily get non-nano zinc oxide from amazon.  It is pretty hard to get non-nano titanium dioxide however.  But for the sake of diaper rash cream, the zinc works fine...it will also work for homemade sunscreen!  :)

Diaper Cream...to stop the redness and the tears...
Here are a few recipes for diaper rash cream...and you mommas out there know, diaper rash cream helps with many things, so keep this recipe handy!
Diaper cream:
First good one - diaper cream recipe #1
Second good article - diaper cream #2 and baby powder

Deodorant...to prevent the stink...
I don't know where I saw this deodorant recipe...I spend a lot of time browsing around on the internet...I am PRETTY SURE I saw this recipe in my doTERRA magazine...but I might not...or I might have modified it with advice from others...who knows!?  My "mombie" brain is so full some days...we're lucky I don't rely on spell check :-P  I have been using this deodorant for MONTHS!  It works great for me...I made one big batch, still going strong!  Note - I generally have a hard time with body odor...no matter how clean I eat, or how much I scrub, I am one of those people that always travels with deodorant. And by "travel" I mean leave the house for any length of time.  I have tried antiperspirants - made me sweat worse and smell terrible, and then stained my clothes...I have used many natural brands, like Tom's of Maine - smelled bad, didn't work.  I settled happily into a natural Arm and Hammer (which is what I do keep in my diaper bag), but when I saw propylene glycol as a main ingredient, I decided to make my own.   The Arm and Hammer DOES work well, it has very few toxic ingredients, and if you are looking for a more natural option, I highly recommend this brand.  Most of my family uses it...my husband calls it the "Clark scent".. :)
-2 Tbsp of melted coconut oil with
           -10-30 drops of your favorite essential oils.  (where to buy essential oils)
          I used 10 drops of peppermint, 10 of wild orange, and 10 of Balance blend.  It smells great and the peppermint has this great cooling effect :)
-1/4 cup of arrowroot powder 
I used Bob's Red Mill brand, got it at my health food store, but many grocery stores carry it also.

-1/4 cup baking soda or bentonite clay or a mix of the two. 
I mixed the two, about 50:50. I might use less baking soda next time,
more clay.  I have fairly sensitive skin, and the baking soda
over time can be a bit harsh on the underarms.   
All you do, is mix the coconut oil with the eo's...then mix the dry ingredients...then combine everything.  Store in a glass container, old and cleaned out deodorant container, or some kind of bowl with a lid (preferably not plasic, some eo's are caustic and can eat through SOME plastics)  I just store in a glass Rubbermaid bowl, pinch off a small amount and rub it in with my fingers after my shower.  I generally don't need to apply...and I live in Fl...and I DO sweat!  It just works great.  If it does look like it might stain your clothes, it washes out great :) Took me all of five minutes to make, still using it!  (I made a double batch.  It may seem runny when you first make it, just put it in the fridge or cool area for a bit...it'll "settle" and be quite firm :)  If it doesn't come together after chilling it, add a little more clay and arrowroot powder)
Here is another recipe if you want something more smooth and soothing: deodorant recipe #2
 Toothpaste...to clean the plaque...to regenerate the teeth...
                 So for toothpaste, I have used 1/4 cup coconut oil, with 1/4 cup baking soda, and peppermint extract...it was ok.  I have since improved that recipe :)  Toothpaste is L.O.A.D.E.D with garbage...pure and utter GARBAGE!  Making your own is easy, and can really IMPROVE the health of your mouth and teeth. 
-1/4 cup of coconut oil - melted(low heat) and mix in
         - several drops of favorite essential oils (I used lime and peppermint!  Mojito toothpaste?)
-1/4 cup of baking soda or bentonite clay mixed (I would do like a sprinkle of baking soda in 1/4 cup of bentonite clay)
-2 teaspoons of stevia (the finer the better - a spice grinder will help get it fine if you have a more granulated type)

Mix eo's with coconut oil...mix dry ingredients = mix all together.  Store in glass container with lid.  To use, just dip your brush in it :) 

My husband doesn't yet use my toothpaste...I have whiter and healthier teeth than he does, and he uses store brands...I also drink WAY more coffee and tea than he does...just sayin'.

Here is a different toothpaste recipe also:  toothpaste recipe #2

Sunscreen...to block thy power, O Sun...
Oh me oh my...SUNSCREEN!  Suntan lotion, sunblock, tanning oil, SPH...UVA...SAVE THE SKIN CANCER!!!!!  Oh, I think I may have gone a bit overboard...*reels in exaggerations*...

So there is a lot of hype and myth and fear with the sun...our beautiful, burning ball of hydrogen is a powerful thing!  It has the power to provide electricity, convert water and carbon dioxide into usable energetic sugars, warm the earth, keep all the cold blooded critters warm, bleach the worst of poo stains in cloth diaper, etc.  It has the power to mutate DNA...it has the power to provide vitamins...
A problem in this country is misinformation.  Basically, we are all told that if we don't put on sunscreen, daily, any time we see a summer sun, we will end up with skin cancer.  So SPF is added to everything from hand lotion, to makeup, to baby products galore.  But there's a slight problem...we have become vit D deficient also.  Vit D plays a huge part in our everyday life.  It isn't so much a vitamin, as much as it is a hormone...it helps with weight, depression, hormone regulation, strong bones and teeth, cancer prevention(source), etc...and there are many sources for this...I highly encourage you to look into this...
so wait...the sun gives cancer...and vit D...and vit D prevents cancer...????  yes, you read that correctly. 

Recently, the 'sunscreen prevents skin cancer' myth has been rebutted...it is no longer...gone...caput...adios!  But the lies prevail...the judging eyes lurk as your fair skin meets the rays and you don't instantly apply SPH 60...  Here is a great article about this topic.  So needless to say, making your own sunscreen, or buying a good quality one, is very important.  The long and short of it is, we have been preventing sunBURNS, from UVB light, and letting the dangerous UVA light through...and adding a bunch of really toxic, absorbable chemicals into the mix...we are the problem. 

Here are some solutions-
Awesome collection of recipes: here - perk- the recipe uses beeswax and zinc oxide...so if you are buying those things for stuff like homemade soap and baby butt balm, you will definitely have extra...here's another great way to use it!

Stretch marks...the wonderful baby changed my body, my belly...
I have excessive stretch marks...like, the pictures you see online, of women proud of their stretch marks...mine are worse, usually by a long shot...a lot worse......I lost all my baby weight...I am working out, my abs are tight...but none of that matters, because the loose, wrinkly, excessively stretched out skin over 90% of my abdomen, upper thighs, and sides...I don't have all the necessary ingredients yet, but I will be making this.  The ingredients in it are wonderful.  I have used tamanu oil for stretch marks and it works GREAT...it is also a main ingredient in this recipe.  Geranium eo is supposed to be wonderful for skin, frankincense eo is great for basically anything...I haven't used neroli, but I have heard wonderful things.  I would probably add a few drops of lavender and grapefruit essential oils to this blend as well(both are good for healing and repairing skin). And a bit of melted beeswax...I want more of a thicker consistency, than just oils...and I love the smell of beeswax!  :) 
Stretch marks (or wrinkles, dry skin, scarring, etc.):
From Naturallymindful.com:
  • 1 oz tamanu oil - I get mine at MountainRoseHerbs.com
  • 1 oz herb infused oil -see the blog and note* below
  • 3 drops of pure geranium essential oil (Pelargonium graveolens)
  • 3 drops of pure neroli essential oil (Citrus aurantium) (find it here)
  • 4 drops of pure frankincense essential oil (Boswellia Carteri)
  •  (you can find the geranium, frankincense, and my addition of lavender and grapefruit at my doTERRA site also!)
    Using a food scale, and a funnel if necessary, measure amounts correctly, add oil into a bottle of your choice (preferably dark glass), add all essential oils. Give it a very gentle shake to combine all ingredients. Store in a cold and dark place. Shelf life about 6 months.

  • *(Note:  if you don't have the herb infused oil, I wouldn't worry about it.  While I am sure it is a good ingredient, I wouldn't call it necessary...)

    And there you have it people.  Several DIY recipes that I hope help you on your mission to health!  Little changes sometimes have big results.  Feel free to add your recipes, links, or questions in the comment section!

    Happy DIY in your OTG family!
    Becca H.

    Monday, August 4, 2014

    My top ten things a natural momma should have!

    When I became pregnant, I was already very "naturally" minded.  I was raised naturally minded, so I had a really good foundation for directing where I wanted to go with pregnancy, childbirth, health choices for infancy and childhood, etc.  Yes, I am still learning and adjusting what is ideological and what is practical, and every family has their own balance.  Through my long journey as a "neo-hippie" as I like to call myself, and my much shorter time as a "crunchy momma", I wanted to share somethings that I use all the time, for a variety of uses, that I think people might like to know about for the sake of taking similar journeys!  :D  I want products that I use often to be safe for my children, pets, and husband to get into, and not get  hurt :)  I also want them to be as affordable as possible...but have high value, lots of uses, etc.  So here's my list...

    1.  Coconut oil!  I know that some people are allergic, but generally, it is highly UN-allergenic.  It is also widely available too!  Walmart has Spectrum brand, I believe Target has at least one kind, and local grocery stores have it also.  My BJ's Wholesale and Sam's Club both have raw organic coconut oil for decent prices!  It is NOT the best and highest quality, but it is doable...I like doable.  Tropical Traditions has GREAT coconut oil...one of the best brands...and they often have sales.  So if you have the capital to invest in bulk coconut oil, this is a great option :)  (note- coconut oil is OFTEN solid at room temperature and white in color.  It becomes clearish when it is liquid...sometimes, depending on temperature of the room, it might be a mix of solid and liquid.  This is all normal...do not worry about it :)  )
        Things I use coconut oil for:  cooking, skin care (for me and baby-even as a newborn), toothpaste, deodorant, first aid care, diaper rashes, carrier oil for essential oils, etc.
    2.  Dr. Bronner's liquid soap!   I LOVE this soap...clean ingredients, very affordable, I can get it at my Target and my health food store.

    Things I use Dr. Bronner's soap for - body wash(for Samuel especially as a newborn), hand soap, in a foamer with essential oils for a face cleanser, laundry and dish detergent, mixing with essential oils for a cleaner, an emulsifier for mixing essential oils with water (for spraying them on something)...and the list could go on...
    3.  Medicinal teas, and especially, echinacea tea.  I have been drinking echinacea tea basically ever since I could remember when I was sick.  It actually tastes good (slightly minty?), and helps to stimulate the immune system and help recover when sick. My family has personally used this with great success.  Here's a good article to jumpstart your research on this if you are curious - echinacea article. There are several flavors by the brand Traditional Medicinals, and my favorite is the one with elderberry, which also has immune boosting properties.  This particular brand of teas is available at Walmart, Target, health food stores, many grocery stores etc...natural medicine isn't always hard to procure :)  This brand has MANY different teas for a variety of things...I've tried at least half a dozen of their teas and they have always worked great for me!  They have my endorsement! 
    4.  Good vitamins!  I often get questions about vitamins!  I am a big believer in a good vitamin goes a long way.  I also think that food doesn't contain as many nutrients as it used to, and many of us do not eat a nutrient dense diet, for a variety of reasons (cost, availability, insanely busy with life, etc.) so having a good supplement will definitely help with your health.  I personally LOVE the Garden of Life brand of vitamins.  They are whole food, minimally processed, usually organic...they are just a great brand of products above and beyond, and extremely affordable.  Are there many good brands of vitamins on the market?  Yes...can you get good vitamins from multi-level-marketing(MLM) companies like Essante Organics, doTERRA, Usana, etc?  Yup!  But they aren't typically priced as affordably...and even some of those big MLM don't have whole food vitamins, or have a lower quality form of certain components in the vitamins.  So, for the money, availability, practicality, and quality - Garden of Life is your best bet!  Health food stores have this brand readily available.  They also have great meal supplements too!  Right now, I am taking their Kind Organics line of a one-a-day multi.  I took their RAW line of prenatals(next baby, I will probably use the Kind line...it is relatively new, and I love that it is all organic!).  I have used their Vit C, Vit D3, Vit K2, etc....it is really a great resource to know you can get affordable vitamins and know they work!  (Local people, Paradise Health and Nutrition has the best price on this line of vitamins.  Period.  I have only found better prices when Vitamin Shoppe has it 50% off or BOGO...which is rare)

    5.  Essential oils!  I don't want to get involved in the debate of the brands - Young Living vs. doTERRA vs. Aura Cacia vs. ______ brand.  It isn't a war I like to participate in.  I personally have chosen doTERRA for a variety of reasons that you may ask me about.  They, however, do not have every kind of oil that I may or may not want.  For different oils that I would like, or a different blend (Although, doTERRA's blends are WONDERFUL!) I use Ananda Apothecary or Mountain Rose Herbs.  I can honestly say, doTERRA's On Guard (immune blend), Breathe (for respiratory issues - great for allergies and the sniffles!), Balance blend, etc. have done wonderful things for me.  Elevation blend even got me out of a postpartum depression-esk funk.  Essential oils have made my life way easier in so so many ways...very thankful for them!  I do ask that you do not use them without due care.  They can be very strong, cause harsh reactions, etc.  But they are generally safe for SOME kind of use from newborn to elderly...and I am more than willing to help educate and there are tons of helpful resources online as well! 

    6.  Bragg's apple cider vinegar!  This is not a joke.  Vinegar is an essential part of my home.  Specifically Bragg's brand.   This has helped me personally with sore/strep throats, food poisoning, UTI's, cleaning, general stomach pain/indigestion, headaches, cleaning, etc...it is really a gem in my house.  I think every natural house should have a big 'ole bottle and make sure you don't run out.  My local grocery store, Walmart, health food store, etc. has this wonderful item!  Also, it is very affordable.  Go.buy.this.now.

    7.  Baking soda.  I buy this at my BJ's Wholesale in a giant bag.  I clean my cloth diapers, carpets, stainless steel pots and pans, glassware, toilets, sinks, showers, etc. with baking soda.  Not usually exclusively...but it is a great aid.  I often pair doTERRA's On Guard cleaner concentrate with it.  Works like a charm!  I also bake and cook with it.  There is also a concept of nutritive value in it with some people simply lacking in bicarbonate, or the baking soda able to help certain ailments.  Also, it is very affordable to have around. 

    8.  A diffuser.   Diffusers are great for humidifiers, air purifiers, diffusing wonderful essential oils into the air, and then the wonderful benefits of those being inhaled.  I LOVE my diffusers!  The important part of getting one is getting one that is safe for essential oils - usually ultrasonic is the way to go.  They typically range in price from 25$ to higher heights of 200$+.  They are way safer than the scented candle/scented outlet plug-in/ugly gel thing thats sits on the back of the toilet/potpourri in a bowl-options...those things are full of chemicals, dangerous to eat or rub on the skin, and don't actually help clean the air...they also give my father and I headaches and other allergic issues, so we're not fans...and I may be a bit bitter...but that is for a different story :)

    9.  Nose Frida!  This seems like a silly thing...a snot sucker...but for the child that will not blow their nose and the infant that doesn't know how, this is great.  It isn't very versatile...it has kind of one function.  But it works great!!!  And I don't know any child that doesn't end up with a stuffy nose or runny nose at one time or another.  Got mine at Target, Amazon has it too!  LOVE :)

    10.  Natural healing books.  There are many great books on the market...if the internet were to go down (or electricity) and you have limited resources, having a good hard copy resource to help you through a health situation would be great.  Here are many books that are great resources...Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Amazon, etc. have many of these...while I am a fan of electronic books for the sake of space, I think there is a reason for a hard copy book.  I have several of the ones pictured, from sales at Barnes and Noble, gifts from friends and family...so I have a small natural library started at this point :)  My mom used many of these with us when we were kids...even helpful stuff for pets in them! 

    Feel free to add you own natural favorites in the comments section!!! :D
    P.S. - feel free to message me to ask questions of me too!  If I don't have a good answer for you, I will definitely try to find one!