Sunday, January 15, 2017

Whole 30 - Whole Meal Plan - week 3

Well, here we are...about to embark on week 3 of the Whole30.  I knew we would make it to here, but I didn't know how hard it was going to be this past week.  I'll enlighten you later towards the end.  Here's my week 2 and week 1 posts.

My meal plan...
Breakfast - we did "egg bakes" and that worked great for us!  See week 2 for the recipe!  This week, I'm changing it up.  Lucky's Market carries an excellent bacon that is Whole30 compliant, so we will be doing bacon as our meat and kale and spinach as our veggie, instead of spaghetti squash - we've had a lot of that in our eggs for the last two weeks and I need a change!

Lunch - we did lettuce wraps today with tuna and was pretty tasty, but not enough fat.  We also ate a carrot with it.  We generally do chicken or tuna salad for our lunches when we don't have leftovers.  We have leftovers from dinner last night, which we will eat Monday for I am not going to worry about the rest of the week right now.  We have been doing well with our leftovers in our baby lunch crock pots on Tues/Wed and even sometimes on Thursdays...

Monday - roasted chicken with zucchini zoodles cooked in chicken broth and ghee.
Tuesday - the paleo beef stew from week 2!  It was a hit with Daniel and Samuel and very hearty for my               Wednesday work day.
Wednesday - food I'll prepare at work...we'll see what I end up making.  Last week was chicken breast with         a large salad.
Thursday - I didn't get around to the thai chicken last it's definitely gonna be on for this Thursday!           See week 1 for the recipe!
Friday - the roasted lemon chicken and potatoes from week 1!
Saturday - the power protein salads from week 1...possibly the egg roll in a pan...either way, see week 1.
Sunday - it is sort of "play by ear" with church and a variety of other I'll just make sure I have                food on hand, and just see how the day goes.

Favorite snacks:  apples dipped in cinnamon coconut oil, nuts, bananas, carrot/celery sticks dipped in dressing or mustard!

Pros:  So my body odor is basically gone...I forget to put deodorant on still smell less than I did when I wore deodorant!  I am guessing the microbials that produced the odor lived on sugar or the food I was eating caused me to be quite toxic.  Either way - no more BO!  My energy was great all week - I didn't get a nap the entire week and was fine!  I had a horrendously busy week too!  And collectively, Daniel and I have lost 25 pounds!  It is like weight is just jumping off of both of us! (you aren't supposed to weigh yourself...but I'm doing an incredible amount of shopping and cooking, so I'm DEFINITELY checking my weight and Daniel has a 5 pound per Christmas board game going on right he wants to know what he can open or not...I think that's fine...we are excited by both non-scale victories, just as we are with regular ones.  I am fitting back into pre-prego clothes really well now!  I'm ten pounds UNDER pre-pregnancy weight and she just turned 2 months!!!!!)  Because I am dairy free, I was able to donate breastmilk to a friend who needed it for her baby who has a dairy allergy - such an honor for me.

Cons:  The mind games my mind is playing with me...trying to trick me into eating non-compliant food is awful.  I stopped my oatmeal too...but I made 22, yes 22, batches of cakes this week and I so desperately wanted just a lick of that sweet goodness...I didn't...but I didn't feel a physical craving, as much as a "mental" craving, if that makes sense.  Daniel isn't so much "bored" with the food, as he is just not looking forward to it...he says it's good, but it is not "pleasing" to him in the way that other food used to be....I'm hoping this is just a mental hurdle we both have to work through and we'll get through this.  Daniel has not even once cheated on a single bite....never.  I'm so freaking proud of him!!!  Emilia is very gassy sometimes - probably because I am eating so many veggies.  I was thinking her gas BEFORE was from dairy, and I'm now thinking it was really veggies all along.  She's incredibly pleasant most of the time, so a little gas is ok....

So here's to a new week, full of more energy and good things ahead!  Excited for bacon this week and revisiting some of the meals we enjoyed the last two weeks!

In health,
Becca H.


  1. What's a lunch crock pot? Those exsist?

    1. uh yes...and they are awesome!

      I have seen them at BJ's/Sam's from time to time. I purchased mine at Target, and I believe Walmart now carries them :) When I bought mine, pink, red, and black were the only there are tons more! Happy eating!

  2. Wow, love all the good changes of no BO, weightloss, and donating breastmilk to someone in need!
