1. Coconut oil! I know that some people are allergic, but generally, it is highly UN-allergenic. It is also widely available too! Walmart has Spectrum brand, I believe Target has at least one kind, and local grocery stores have it also. My BJ's Wholesale and Sam's Club both have raw organic coconut oil for decent prices! It is NOT the best and highest quality, but it is doable...I like doable. Tropical Traditions has GREAT coconut oil...one of the best brands...and they often have sales. So if you have the capital to invest in bulk coconut oil, this is a great option :) (note- coconut oil is OFTEN solid at room temperature and white in color. It becomes clearish when it is liquid...sometimes, depending on temperature of the room, it might be a mix of solid and liquid. This is all normal...do not worry about it :) )
Things I use coconut oil for: cooking, skin care (for me and baby-even as a newborn), toothpaste, deodorant, first aid care, diaper rashes, carrier oil for essential oils, etc.
2. Dr. Bronner's liquid soap! I LOVE this soap...clean ingredients, very affordable, I can get it at my Target and my health food store.
Things I use Dr. Bronner's soap for - body wash(for Samuel especially as a newborn), hand soap, in a foamer with essential oils for a face cleanser, laundry and dish detergent, mixing with essential oils for a cleaner, an emulsifier for mixing essential oils with water (for spraying them on something)...and the list could go on...
3. Medicinal teas, and especially, echinacea tea. I have been drinking echinacea tea basically ever since I could remember when I was sick. It actually tastes good (slightly minty?), and helps to stimulate the immune system and help recover when sick. My family has personally used this with great success. Here's a good article to jumpstart your research on this if you are curious - echinacea article. There are several flavors by the brand Traditional Medicinals, and my favorite is the one with elderberry, which also has immune boosting properties. This particular brand of teas is available at Walmart, Target, health food stores, many grocery stores etc...natural medicine isn't always hard to procure :) This brand has MANY different teas for a variety of things...I've tried at least half a dozen of their teas and they have always worked great for me! They have my endorsement!
4. Good vitamins! I often get questions about vitamins! I am a big believer in a good vitamin goes a long way. I also think that food doesn't contain as many nutrients as it used to, and many of us do not eat a nutrient dense diet, for a variety of reasons (cost, availability, insanely busy with life, etc.) so having a good supplement will definitely help with your health. I personally LOVE the Garden of Life brand of vitamins. They are whole food, minimally processed, usually organic...they are just a great brand of products above and beyond, and extremely affordable. Are there many good brands of vitamins on the market? Yes...can you get good vitamins from multi-level-marketing(MLM) companies like Essante Organics, doTERRA, Usana, etc? Yup! But they aren't typically priced as affordably...and even some of those big MLM don't have whole food vitamins, or have a lower quality form of certain components in the vitamins. So, for the money, availability, practicality, and quality - Garden of Life is your best bet! Health food stores have this brand readily available. They also have great meal supplements too! Right now, I am taking their Kind Organics line of a one-a-day multi. I took their RAW line of prenatals(next baby, I will probably use the Kind line...it is relatively new, and I love that it is all organic!). I have used their Vit C, Vit D3, Vit K2, etc....it is really a great resource to know you can get affordable vitamins and know they work! (Local people, Paradise Health and Nutrition has the best price on this line of vitamins. Period. I have only found better prices when Vitamin Shoppe has it 50% off or BOGO...which is rare)
5. Essential oils! I don't want to get involved in the debate of the brands - Young Living vs. doTERRA vs. Aura Cacia vs. ______ brand. It isn't a war I like to participate in. I personally have chosen doTERRA for a variety of reasons that you may ask me about. They, however, do not have every kind of oil that I may or may not want. For different oils that I would like, or a different blend (Although, doTERRA's blends are WONDERFUL!) I use Ananda Apothecary or Mountain Rose Herbs. I can honestly say, doTERRA's On Guard (immune blend), Breathe (for respiratory issues - great for allergies and the sniffles!), Balance blend, etc. have done wonderful things for me. Elevation blend even got me out of a postpartum depression-esk funk. Essential oils have made my life way easier in so so many ways...very thankful for them! I do ask that you do not use them without due care. They can be very strong, cause harsh reactions, etc. But they are generally safe for SOME kind of use from newborn to elderly...and I am more than willing to help educate and there are tons of helpful resources online as well! 6. Bragg's apple cider vinegar! This is not a joke. Vinegar is an essential part of my home. Specifically Bragg's brand. This has helped me personally with sore/strep throats, food poisoning, UTI's, cleaning, general stomach pain/indigestion, headaches, cleaning, etc...it is really a gem in my house. I think every natural house should have a big 'ole bottle and make sure you don't run out. My local grocery store, Walmart, health food store, etc. has this wonderful item! Also, it is very affordable. Go.buy.this.now.
7. Baking soda. I buy this at my BJ's Wholesale in a giant bag. I clean my cloth diapers, carpets, stainless steel pots and pans, glassware, toilets, sinks, showers, etc. with baking soda. Not usually exclusively...but it is a great aid. I often pair doTERRA's On Guard cleaner concentrate with it. Works like a charm! I also bake and cook with it. There is also a concept of nutritive value in it with some people simply lacking in bicarbonate, or the baking soda able to help certain ailments. Also, it is very affordable to have around.
8. A diffuser. Diffusers are great for humidifiers, air purifiers, diffusing wonderful essential oils into the air, and then the wonderful benefits of those being inhaled. I LOVE my diffusers! The important part of getting one is getting one that is safe for essential oils - usually ultrasonic is the way to go. They typically range in price from 25$ to higher heights of 200$+. They are way safer than the scented candle/scented outlet plug-in/ugly gel thing thats sits on the back of the toilet/potpourri in a bowl-options...those things are full of chemicals, dangerous to eat or rub on the skin, and don't actually help clean the air...they also give my father and I headaches and other allergic issues, so we're not fans...and I may be a bit bitter...but that is for a different story :)
9. Nose Frida! This seems like a silly thing...a snot sucker...but for the child that will not blow their nose and the infant that doesn't know how, this is great. It isn't very versatile...it has kind of one function. But it works great!!! And I don't know any child that doesn't end up with a stuffy nose or runny nose at one time or another. Got mine at Target, Amazon has it too! LOVE :)
10. Natural healing books. There are many great books on the market...if the internet were to go down (or electricity) and you have limited resources, having a good hard copy resource to help you through a health situation would be great. Here are many books that are great resources...Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Amazon, etc. have many of these...while I am a fan of electronic books for the sake of space, I think there is a reason for a hard copy book. I have several of the ones pictured, from sales at Barnes and Noble, gifts from friends and family...so I have a small natural library started at this point :) My mom used many of these with us when we were kids...even helpful stuff for pets in them!
Feel free to add you own natural favorites in the comments section!!! :D
P.S. - feel free to message me to ask questions of me too! If I don't have a good answer for you, I will definitely try to find one!
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