Friday, August 16, 2024

It is with great excitement and lots of nervousness...

In January, I posted to Facebook that 2024 was going to be a big year of transition - I didn't exactly understand the depth of that yet, however. 

A brief timeline of 2024:

At that time in January, I was pregnant with Carwen, we were looking to move to Gainesville area of Florida - lots of exciting changes on the horizon. Transitioning to a new Florida county, and to a family of 6, was all that my mind was planning on...

In February, we buried our sweet baby Carwen Bay - gone so soon.  Our housing choices in the Gainesville area continued to narrow, the forecasted drop in interest rates never came...houses held steady or continued to climb in costs.

In late June, after a contract on a local home falling through, I thought about the idea of moving out of state - Daniel and I were desperate for cooler weather, less dense populations, and more distinct seasons(and cheaper houses would be nice!). I started looking for jobs out of state - I landed 4 interviews, 2 of which resulted in job offers.

The latter offer was based out of North Carolina, in an area we already know several people - one of which being Daniel's bff and his family. The weather is more moderate, but still warm, much of the year- we are used to and prefer that, the houses were cheaper with more land, and the job I landed is a nature-based preschool that I can bring Edmund with me!

So I accepted the job offer, we made an offer on a house in the area, which has been accepted - 1.74 acres of land, with a huge, beautiful home!  We will have a lot of adapting to do: to small town life + working mom again, but we are so excited for this new era.

Last week, Daniel was hit by a truck running a red light, he was in our beautiful VW Atlas, which ended up totaled, and threw our world for a loop. We've aligned what we needed to, and are continuing on the original track. Daniel is healing well, and we've secured a vehicle thanks to the good graces of my parents. We will be renting out our Palm Bay home - if you know anyone with a need to rent a 3/2 home in the NE Palm Bay Road area, please let me know! We are closing on our new house August 30th, and plan to be out of our Palm Bay house by Sept 15, but that date can move up earlier. 

We will very much miss our friends and family here - the network of people we have loved for so many years! I've been a Palm Bay resident for the last 15 years - a challenging and beautiful chapter of my life. We are so excited for what the future holds!  Here we go....

....North Carolina bound! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! So sorry to hear about Carwen! We will miss you here! You will do great at your new job!! We love you all!
