Idolatry in the church is a thing often talked about…rarely
Sometimes, a pastor will talk about how we might idolize a person
– Bill Gates, Billy Graham, Brad Pitt, etc.
Or a thing – TV, Facebook, Twitter, your sweet ride,
the coolest pad ever, that super gadget you had to have, etc…
Or even a time – “high school was the best!” “That
time when we did _____ was sooooo great…wish things were like that still” “Way
back when, my life was great, I hate my life now…”
But there is still a greater idol, no one ever touches –
Western Medicine…and she is extremely prevalent in the Church.
There. I said it.
Every good pastor and professor I have EVER had ALWAYS said to question
them…to explore the Bible for myself to make sure I agreed or disagreed with
them, to re-read that textbook, scour a journal, and come to my own conclusion. I have been educated and taught by many
doctors of theology, doctors of education, doctor this and doctor that. ALL of them expected me to do research and
come to my own conclusion….
some of my professors had multiple doctorates, some
were so intelligent that I felt intellectually dwarfed and resembled that of an
...But then there are medical doctors. No, they are the exception to the rule of
“question me”. (I am speaking generally.
I know many good doctors, open to questioning, who are humble, and not claiming omniscience.) The 4
extra years of med school they spent learning…the extra time they spent in
hospitals and clinics for internships and residency has made them the exception
to the rule….the god of Western Medicine has spoken…and her prophet is an
M.D. I am clearly incapable of being close to/or as
knowledgeable, intelligent, or decisive as a doctor. I am not saying this to be
disrespectful. I KNOW they work hard,
spend many a sleepless night wandering a hospital hallway to the next patient,
pour over textbooks, etc. The issue is
that they are above questioning –by the media, American culture, and worst of
all, Christians. Doctors are above
reason and the ultimate authority in regards to your body....with or without evidence...
In the Church, generally speaking:
We don’t believe that macro-evolution is a
proven fact beyond all questioning…
We don’t
believe that abortion is ok, because we see it as a life from conception….
We don’t believe that the earth is billions of
years old (depending on your origin “science”)…
Anthropomorphic global warming is not a thing –
humans MIGHT contribute to some climate change, but certainly not all of it…even
though doctors, newspapers, and America says so…
We don’t believe that sex before marriage is
acceptable, according to the Word.
We don’t believe that the government is the
highest form of authority in our lives.
We believe a man named Jesus Christ, was God
incarnate, and will save us from eternal death in hell…
^^^All of that above, is contrary to modern science currently thought by doctors and
mainstream culture. And I am sure I could find more
examples of contrary thought in the church to both science and culture….
And a woman has a hormonal imbalance…they recommend a
hysterectomy, because surely removing a hormonal organ will fix everything…but
when that doesn’t work…they remove the ovaries…when the hormonal balance is
only worse, because the woman is now is an abrupt version of menopause, they
use hormone replacement therapy….and maybe look at removing the thyroid too….
And the doctor telling you that your newborn baby, that has
no immune system, needs to be injected with a toxin slurry to “protect” him
from a sexually transmitted disease, you willingly hand over your precious
And the doctor that tells you that you cholesterol is “too
high”, based on a faulty chart…with a faulty blood test(there are different types of LDL, only one is “dangerous”), and puts you on statins(which do WAY more harm than good)…you don’t blink an eye….
Now, I am NOT saying to never trust your doctors and nurses,
or that you should never take medication…but so many people blindly follow
them, without ever thinking that perhaps the doctor is guessing? Relying on tradition? Or maybe the doctor has been educated by a
poor methodology, based in an archaic and obsolete theory? Or that the “science” behind the treatment
they are prescribing was only briefly tested, by the very pharmaceutical
company who sells it, and the treatment might cause more harm than good?
If your life isn’t in imminent risk of death, maybe it would
be best to take an hour or two, and browse the internet…research the treatment,
the diagnosis, the cause, and alternative cures…
I wish I had
researched more, before I took those antibiotics years ago….
…because I almost
died from them.
No… can’t…. you can't and don’t question the doctor, and those
that do, are called “anti-science”. Many doctors that are even questioned just
become big bullies and force you into the treatment they are prescribing…clearly,
humility is not a doctor’s strong suit…
I am sorry, but science is 100% questioning. Something doesn’t always fit, so perhaps we
try a new way. Why does this work this
way? Is this the best option? Are there other more efficient ways to do
this? Are there safer ways? Cheaper
So please, don’t call me anti-science, for not worshiping
Western Medicine and listening to her prophets all of the time.
And perhaps, it would be a bit more popular to worship Medicine
if it weren’t to flawed and corrupt! Ex.
1950’s – Smoking doesn’t cause cancer… 1960’s - thalidomide is safe…1970’s –
cholesterol causes heart disease…1980’s – thimerosal is safe in vaccines…1990’s
– GMO’s will save the world from starvation…
I think you get the point…
Now, many of those things aren’t exclusive - not all people who smoke get cancer,
thalidomide caused birth defects in tens of thousands of babies, but not 100%
of them, cholesterol does NOT cause heart disease, but can be something
dangerous in excess (like, only eating butter for like every meal…moderation is
key people…) thimerosal has been proven as dangerous, causing neurological
damage in some, but not all, children receiving vaccines with that ingredient
(p.s. it is still in vaccines, just not as many) and thus far, GMO’s haven’t
been saving the world from starvation, and many farms have been put out of
business by GMO commercial farming…which has done nothing for agriculture, food
supply, diversity of plants, etc…and the pesticides used on most GMO’s are
wreaking havoc on the land they are used on, as well the bodies they are
ingested by…
So forgive me for not worshipping Western Medicine…clearly
she has a squeaky clean record…
…oh wait…
So why do we blindly follow doctors, who don’t look for the
cause of your health problem, only treat the symptom? (I.e. - "Take Tylenol for your headache" instead of "let me look at your neck and back, they might be tight causing a headache"). Doctors rarely get the full story either. What if you don't know your family's medical history? Or the doctor didn't pay attention to it! (My mom has anaphylaxis and my dad has tons of other allergies....). We go to a doctor expecting to get fixed, like sending our Kia to the shop for a new muffler...but what we did was send in a Mitsubishi, to a Land Rover mechanic...he may know nothing about the Mitsubishi, and might have to fiddle around with it. Don't think sometimes your doctor does that too....makes educated guesses before coming to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with the muffler, but the gasoline you are using, or the spark plugs are corroded...
“when diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no
need.” – Ayurvedic Proverb
Call me crazy, but most of the problems in health care
today, is that it has nothing to do with health, but treatment of symptoms.
“Traditional Chinese doctors were rewarded for preventing
disease, and punished for allowing their patients to get sick. Western Medicine
is only rewarded if there are sick patients to cure. If no one got sick, most
of our health care industry would quickly go out of business.” – “Chinese Medicine is Preventative Medicine”.
So it is hard to follow a prophet whose livelihood is based
in my sickness…whether or not the doctor sees it that way…this is how Western
Medicine is! The doctor may not have a
clue how awful the medication is, because the pharmaceutical rep told him it
was great, Doc makes a profit off of selling the med, and the patient will be
cured right? Often the doctor doesn’t
even know how to diagnose or treat the problem properly…they are just trained
via textbooks printed by pharmaceutical companies…and bought by them too…(pediatricians
are given a bonus for every fully vaccinated kid in their practice…no conflict
of interest, right?)
When I
took antibiotics, all those years ago…over 7 years now…almost 8…I had strep
throat…it wasn’t even that serious, but I needed to keep going to class, and
hopefully not spread it to someone else (flawed germ theory motivating me –
keep reading) and my roommate was kindly encouraging me to do so, cause I would
“feel so much better”. The doctor asked
me nothing about my medical history. He
gave me a huge prescription of augmentin, which is largely synthetic penicillin
– amoxicillin. Within 8 days, I broke
out in a head to toe rash, by the time we realized the severity, I was in the
ER, and the doctor said I had one of the worst reactions he had ever seen. He told me if I had finished that day’s
prescription (one pill left for the day) I would have been in anaphylactic shock
and died. I knew a home remedy I had
used for years for apple cider vinegar with strep. That is what I always used for sore throats…but
my stressed out, senior in college, self couldn’t find it at the local grocery
store, and didn’t know about the local health food store (which had it, I found
out only weeks later) Had I just asked
around…googled health food store…I would never have developed the allergy. Now, I have to be super careful about getting
any kind of antibiotics. I often have
reactions to milk that has residual antibiotics in it…if I just put in a little
more effort….
The whole “science” behind antibiotics and vaccines itself is
flawed…it is founded upon the principles of Pasteur…who fashioned “germ theory”…which, in his day of early 1800's, wasn’t all that crazy of a thought: (p.s. he later recanted germ theory when he was near death, but it had already taken hold)
people are sterile
germs make people sick
you need specific antibodies for every pathogen
in order to survive it or weather it easily.
^You are not a sterile being. You are choc-full of bacteria, fungi, etc.
“Germs” may or may not make you sick. I have been around a lot of sick people, and
not gotten sick. Did I not get enough
“germs”? Did I not get coughed on,
drooled on, sneezed on, pooed on enough?
Or perhaps, just perhaps, my immune system - my personal “environment”
is not very habitable by most “germs”.
Your body is fully capable of fighting “germs” is has never met
before. It does this ALL.DAY.LONG. Everytime you go to the grocery store,
shopping mall, church, and work, you are probably hit with a variety of “germs”
you never met before…and likely, you do not succumb to illness each time. You would die very quickly if that happened-if
each “germ” burdened your immune system every time you met it. If your “environment” is healthy and stable,
the “germ” won’t survive. You do not
become sick. Don’t blame the germ for
your sickness, search your body for possible causes – stress, poor nourishment,
lack of exercise, lack of sleep, etc. – or a wide array of combinations of
these factors. Also worth noting, just
because you got sick, that doesn’t mean it is a bad thing! It means your immune system knows that
something is growing rapidly and it isn’t supposed to be. So it fights it, often with fever, ejection
of fluids (i.e. runny nose, vomit, diarrhea, frequent urination). And good thing too! I would rather be sick every once in a blue
moon, than not. Also, when you get a
fever, you aren’t just killing one “germ”, or germ colony, you are probably
killing several, possibly different ones.
It is like a good “cleaning” on your system. This is one of the many reasons it is bad to
stifle a fever, as long as it is within “healthy” norms. This can be as high as 104-105 in babies and
children (and I have heard of children in the 106 range with no brain damage),
and 103-104 in adults. Is it sometimes
painful? Annoying? Frustrating?
A good thing? “Yes” to all of the
aforementioned J
^A measly little germ did not make you sick, your body allowed
the proliferation of an organism/pathogegn, resulting in sickness.
You don’t actually need specific antibodies for specific diseases. This flies blatantly in the
face of vaccines, which were originally designed by Pasteur, just in case you
forgot. Often, antibodies for viruses
are present after significant exposure to a virus…not necessarily illness from
that virus. It is well known that 95% ofpeople who contract polio never show any symptoms. They are considered “asymptomatic”. They never became ill, never vaccinated, and
yet, are immune to polio and have antibodies for that virus. I am acquainted with many people who have
unvaccinated children, who, when they have their titers checked, have
antibodies for a variety of diseases that the child was never diagnosed for or
sick with. It is called natural acquired
immunity. These unvaccinated children
have measles titers, polio titers, rubella titers, etc. Their bodies were exposed to these viruses at
some point in their lives, and their bodies fought with well, and never became
ill. The virus never gained ground on
their immune systems. Antibodies are the
result of the exposure and immunity.
Just because one has antibodies via vaccination, does not mean they are immune, because the rest of their immune system (microbiome and mucosal membranes = ~70%) was not exposed, just their blood was, and vaccines were once
thought to offer lifelong immunity, same as contracting the disease or natural acquired
immunity, and this has been found to not be true, as thousands upon thousands
of individuals are contracting diseases they were previously vaccinated for. There are even some cases where their
sero-antibody count was confirmed high enough for “immunity” and the person
STILL fell ill with the disease.
Antibody count is not indicative of immunity. It is typically the result of immunity
through natural processes (true natural immunity or illness), vaccination does
not always, and often ever, result in immunity.
^You do not need pathogen-specific antibodies
for protection from disease.
So this is getting long winded, as usual, at this
Do I think it is sinful to vaccinate? Or to follow your doctor? - no, I do not.
Do I think it is unwise to vaccinate? Or unwise to simply take the doctor’s
prescription without research? Absolutely.
Always. I don’t care what the
medical situation is that you are facing, I will always think it unwise to
vaccinate, based on the extensive research I have done. See my other vaccine blogs – First big one
and second one . As to other meds, I
think you should ALWAYS go with caution. Learn every risk you can...thoroughly discuss with your doctor the need for the medication!
There is often a natural, little to no side effect, alternative remedy
that will work just as well, if not better…and probably cheaper also.
Here are some reasons I feel this way:
Some vaccines contain aborted fetal cells. This is a fact! You can read any doctor or blog
you want, but the ingredient list from the CDC and the vaccine manufacturers
tell you this clearly. Children are a
gift from God, and two children were murdered in the womb, and pharmaceutical
companies are making billions of dollars on that. Their cell’s line is continually used for
decades…if that isn’t disgusting to you, you need to reevaluate the morality
behind this issue.
Helpful chart -
The Bible often mentions keeping the blood
“pure” and being holy. Injecting known neurotoxins,
aborted fetal cells (known to be mutagenic), other animal cells(carcinogenic
and mutagenic), deactivated viruses and bacteria, etc. is NOT keeping the blood
pure. It is tainting it…a lot. Christians are called to be holy and set apart from the things of this world. And God says His ways are not our ways too...
God says to trust Him in all things. Clearly, when you vaccinate, you do NOT trust
Him with your health. Sarai didn't have faith, gave her servant to her husband to be a baby maker, and the resulting conflict, between Ishmael and Isaac is still in action today. You are trying to
bypass the perfect the system God already put in place to protect us - breastfeeding through infancy and natural, healing foods and sunshine after... The Jews lived for hundreds of years without
vaccinations, or dramatic death rates.
They remained healthy in very unhealthy times. We have modern medicine, nutrients galore,
multivitamins,….hospitals mere minutes away…In more modern times, Japanese often live a long well as some Greeks and jungle dwelling tribes. Many of these people either grew up without vaccines, or are in isolated areas with no modern medicine.
Vaccines come with great risk…probably a lot
more than you realize. MANY children die
from vaccines each year…most of them are labeled “SIDS”…By avoiding those diseases
(many of which are of low risk, likely not to happen, or actually beneficial)
you are giving your child a whole different risk. Many are life threatening….vaccines aren’t
tested for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, as well as impairment of
fertility. If your child survives the
vaccines, they may contract cancer, or a wide variety of other health problems
that may be incurable, that may alter the outcome of their life, or shorten
it... There have been no measles deaths
in America in over ten years….ponder that before you get your child’s MMR
You have altered your child. Not just cosmetically, like controversial
circumcision or ear piercing. The child
God gave you, you have changed genetically, likely before you even really knew
them. You may have had a flu shot while
pregnant, and that comes with its own list of toxins that DO cross the placenta
to the baby. There is a study showing
that it is likely that vaccines, rather the viruses in them, may both give and
take genetic material from YOUR cells, your CHILD’S cells….only God knows what
will happen in those cases. (Kumar S, Miller LK, Effects of serial passage of Autographa
Californica Nuclear polyhedrosis virus in cell culture, Virus Research, 1987;
7:335- 349.) Again, vaccines aren’t
tested for mutagenic potential…I feel like that should not be allowed - to have so little testing on long term effects, as they
are injected and impossible to remove.

Pharmaceutical companies and the CDC lie. As previously stated long above this, medical
“truth” changes. Vaccines have only been
in heavy use for about 20 years. 30
years ago, only 7, I repeat SEVEN shots before COLLEGE, of only 7 diseases. The common baby gets 30 shots (of 28
different pathogens) by the time they are…wait for it…a year and a half old. And that number grows as they age, and new
vaccines are made. So the whole
“vaccines save countless lives” falls pretty short, when “disease” has not been a
problem in a few generations. See chart above
in decrease in mortality rates.
You want to cling to your science, but vaccines
don’t actually do that. They are not
tested against a true placebo. One of
the first things I learned in biochem and biotech, was to test against a
placebo or a control…something with known outcomes. So if we were testing a specific chemical, we
would test against water, or saline solution (which is a salt water). Imagine my surprise when I find out that
vaccines aren’t tested against placebos, but OTHER VACCINES. SO when you read the outcomes that x number
of children had ____ reaction in the vaccine group. And x children had ____ reaction in the
placebo. There should be ZERO reactions
in the placebo group. I repeat,
zero. Because they are the control. NOTHING should happen to them, except pain in
the injection site and maybe sensitivity.
In the rotavirus testing, which was done by the manufacturer, Merck –
who has a long list of court cases for their lies, they tested the rotavirus vaccine and the equivalent placebo….which I assumed was sugar water….it
wasn’ was a "comparator"...meaning, another rotavirus "compare" to... There were actually several cases
of intussusception in the “control” group.
So, vaccines are not, in and of themselves, scientifically sound. WHAT?!
Why in the world would they do that…because it is on the premise that
“vaccines are safe, therefore, count as the placebo” or some such crap like
that. That is circular reasoning…it is
fallacious in nature, and should not be allowed with something so dire as
No immune system has ever been stronger for
avoiding disease and pathogens. Dirty kids are often healthy kids. And I mean
dirt literally. Not feces, but good,
wholesome, garden dirt…play ground dirt…it is pretty clear, America has
transitioned to “too clean”. We bathe
our kids straight out of the womb, and don’t stop for anything! As weird as this sounds, I don’t actually
bathe my son that much- once or twice a week.
Never used sanitizer on him either…or antibiotic soap…or me in like
years… And he’s kinda ridiculously healthy…not avoiding bacteria and the
outdoors….*sigh*…trying to be squeaky clean hasn’t done us any favors. Hygiene is important, please don’t
misunderstand…I do shower daily…with soap and shampoo like everyone else. But there is such a thing as too clean also. Same with vaccines. It is currently the thought that children don't even have a fully developed immune system till at least 12 years old, and very little before 1 year old. So
vaccinating before at least 2 years old is almost pointless, as their immune systems are
shifting so much anyways, and can hardly form an immune response properly, let alone to toxic injections. And again,
with antibiotics that are often given to children anytime they show any signs
of sickness, when they often have a viral fever, that will pass in a day or
two… but the over-anxious mother, who has NOT researched, runs for the
antibiotics doc prescribed….Doc made money, got the mother to go away, and she
got what she thinks she needed….when it may make things worse in the long
run. I have a friend whose son still
can’t poop properly from antibiotics given for a low grade, viral fever….he is
on miralax and has been for months. I
realize this doesn’t seem like a big deal, but no healthy child or baby should
be permanently on any kind of medication for basic body functions when they are
deemed “healthy”….healthy babies poop properly and without medication. His fever didn’t go down from the
antibiotics, the fever subsided on its own within a day…the child had roseola –
a common baby/childhood illness….fever with a rash afterwards….
So there’s that…
I know this is a harsh blog…but
“Your body is a temple”….treat it as such! You have been given a functioning working
body…the temple got the upmost care in the Bible…you should be just as careful
with your’s and your children’s. God was
ever so specific about what type of gold, what the curtains looked like, even
WHO was to make the things, etc…be that careful with yourselves and who you
allow to treat you!
It is sinful and ungodly to mix blood with animals in Luke
13:1. Don’t think that aborted fetal
cells, bovine serum, etc. don’t count as “blood” from sacrificed animals. These animals and babies were killed for no
other reason than vaccines…sacrificed on the alter of Medicine.
God tells us not to be frightened time and again…and to fear
not…to boldly do many things…why not also in health? We vaccinate for fear…plain and simple. You have vaccinated your child because you
feared the “enemy” – disease. Is it not
God who protects us ultimately? I am not
saying go drink water with poo in it….and be foolish…but don’t vaccinate only
because you fear the disease. And see my
second researched vaccine blog – I outline the diseases and the vaccines toward the middle of the
blog. It is a quick reference for info
about the diseases especially, and may relieve fears. Either way, the science behind vaccines is so sketchy, and so many vaccinated people still get the disease....I don't think I would put faith in vaccines, even if I had no faith in God...
God designed the immune system…we are altering God’s design
with vaccines, and often antibiotics….
Do we really think ourselves so smart as to "fix" the immune system with vaccines? Perhaps a baby's immune system is perfect the way it is?

...And we are altering the immune system from birth because of the hep B vaccine and often the
use of antibiotics during birth! I won’t
touch on the other ideas just now. I
hate seeing this happen. We don’t know
the full extent of vaccines…we know they are having a terrible effect on our
pets, with the ever rising behavioral problems and rates of cancer…our children
are having a “correlational” effect with vaccines….We are not even questioning
the need for these vaccines. Some of you
reading this might delay or select certain ones….I can promise you, the disease,
either isn’t that bad, or isn’t a problem, or your child won’t ever be exposed
to it. And if your baby contracts a disease that there is a vaccine for, or has a serious reaction, there is no guarantee that wouldn't have happened anyways. Or, because you are healthy, it
will pass easily, and will be an afterthought as part of your life…. When doctors tell you that your child is
going to die without vaccines…he forgets to tell you they might die because of
I am not also saying that preventing disease is a bad thing....there are safe, natural ways to do so. I am also not saying to never use antibiotics...they have done and currently do save many a life....but be careful, and go cautiously...a cold or mild fever is not a good reason for antibiotics...and most up to date doctors would agree. (P.s. There are antibiotics in vaccines!)
So I am begging you, stop worshipping Western Medicine, ridiculing unbelievers, and blindly following doctors without evidentiary support...try to think through the idolatrous culture so very prevalent...of exalting Western Medicine above God's design...putting man's methods and "science" above logic and God's guidelines for health...
We so firmly stand on the premise that all children are fearfully and wonderfully made...and yet, never put our "money on that"...we cut off their blood flow immediately upon exiting, we scrub them down till their fresh skin is pink, antibiotic their eyes even without any evidence for infection, inject them with chemicals in the name of "vitamins"...and then another injection of deactivated viruses and more poison....just to get the ball rolling on their health...doesn't sound like you actually believe that they are wonderfully made after all.
God made wonderful babies and wonderful boobies to feed them...this system was designed by, humans haven't done it better yet...
Know better, do better!
In health,
Becca H.