Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
We have a little secret that has been on our hearts to share with all you!
Back in February, my husband and I made the choice to turn in my notice at my job of five years as food service director at my church. I was plenty busy with my home business, None of Your Beeswax, all that mom life holds! We had no idea where that choice would lead...
A few weeks later, I went to the Florida Herbal Conference...
I finished my season at work, literally the next week "social distancing" was implemented and life came crashing down in many ways for our family....all our favorite destinations closed, my business skyrocketed....what we knew as life suddenly and drastically changed...
But in the middle of thing changed for the better...
In all the changes of leaving work, before COVID-19 was on everyone's lips...
A new life was started...
I miraculously got pregnant...
Don't feel bad...I didn't even tell Daniel for almost two weeks...
Then social distancing started a few days after my last day, and then lockdown shortly thereafter...I didn't see one saw me....very easy to hide my growing baby belly/COVID chunk <3
But we had some rocky moments - I had bleeding around 9/10 weeks that scared me half to death...
And as time went on, more of the grief and trauma from Laban's death sorta hit I wanted to wait till we had an ultrasound showing a live, healthy, on target baby...
And we do <3
I'll be 20 weeks on Sunday and we seriously couldn't be happier. My kids are super cute and super goofy - enjoy! (Samuel is 6.5 and Emilia is 3.5 and they are VERY close as far as siblings go!)
Here's some pictures of me and the kids we took at the local botanical was 86% humidity and zero's definitely an attitude of sweat in many photos...
Here's when I told Emilia that I will be having a baby...don't worry, she gets happier later that day:
And here's today's garden photos:
Their shirts say: Big Brother Again and Conquered: Little Sister Status Next Voyage: Big Sister Status and Now Embarking Big Sister