Definition of moral, thanks Merriam-Webster. Moral: considered right and good by most people : agreeing with a standard of right behavior.
I didn't want to write this post - but after seeing this article go viral on my facebook feed, it warranted a post.
I need to preface this by saying I'm very much NOT supporting Hillary, for the obvious scandals, lies, DNC conspiracy, and mishandling of classified information, let alone that I disagree most of her policies in general.
So this is my response to Dr. Wayne Grudem's article...a friend privately asked me for my perspective, so I read it last night, and penned this perspective/response this morning while watching my toddler get yogurt on many different article of furniture...
I went into this article...hoping, praying...with an open mind...please, someone convince me
from a Biblical standpoint, why I should vote for a man such as Trump...I was actually very eager to read this article, despite my known disdain for this man...
So I think Grudem is probably a really great guy...very godly. He's obviously a thinker...but he's running off of several fallacies that I don't think is okay. I will also state that after the DNC pulled their shenanigans, the FBI not pursuing charges with Hillary, and this whistleblower dying, I highly doubt anyone's vote matters at this point, and I wouldn't have said that a week ago. I believe very firmly that Hillary will win regardless of if every eligible voter voted for Trump or not. So his fallacies - He is not a "good guy with flaws". He is a ridiculously flawed, politically inexperienced guy with a few good things on his resume. And even those good is more of a worldly definition, than a godly one. We can do no good, apart from God and Trump has made it pretty clear, all that he has done has been of himself, NOT of God. I really don't care that he "declared his faith in Jesus"...actions speak louder than words. Also, he was interviewed after his declaration, after having recently selected Pence, and the interviewer asked if Pence was religious - Pence said yes, and Trump said "I won the evangelical vote"...essentially making the argument that because religious people voted for him, insofacto, he is also religious...That doesn't fly with me.
Grudem makes the assumptions, because he is wealthy and successful as a businessman, that he is therefore not a bigot/racist/etc. This is just a HUGE leap...plenty of wealthy and successful people are racist and bigoted, etc. So defending him, and making that claim is just unsubstantiated. I am not saying Trump IS those things, I'm just saying defending him is wrong. He's said some pretty awful things - worst of which in my opinion, is him saying he'd sleep with Ivanka (his daughter) because she's attractive...that's pretty sick in my opinion. He has said very inflammatory and extremely rude and disrespectful statements in front of hundreds of millions...whose to say that temper and brashness won't be present at UN meetings? At delicate meetings with known US-dislikers?
Grudem references Trump's kids as "remarkable"...I don't know much about them. But awful people have raised remarkable children, as well as remarkable people have raised awful children. And again, remarkable by whose standard? The world? They are educated and wealthy and therefore remarkable? They've done charity work in their own names and for their own glory and are, remarkable? I don't think their "remarkable-ness" is any reason to or not to vote for them man.
Grudem leaves out many of the man's notable flaws that have substantial weight, in my opinion. A. Trump likes Putin - a dictator. This is alarming to me on so many levels. B. He has been involved in many criminal rape cases and while found "Not guilty", it scares me how verbally he has stated he likes women, young attractive women...and how forceful he is in business....I just cannot believe all these allegations are without a shred of merit. C. Trump University scandal...yeah...all of that. D. The fact that he's had many bankruptcies and has essentially made his billions owning gambling/alcohol institutions...SO tax payers have bailed him out more than once in his bankruptcies, and those casinos are nothing short than cess-pools of sin. It's not like he's "run his honorable business" with the "sweat of his brow and a Bible in his pocket"....And had his father not already been a millionaire to help him out time and again, he wouldn't be where he is today...So the whole "he will run this country like a business" doesn't hold water...just because he is wealthy and successful now, doesn't mean he won't run this country into the mud.
Grudem completely disregards that third party options are even options. Johnson is doing VERY well in polls right now, and quickly gaining on Trump...Hillary is not doing well by many also. In this instance, simply voting to vote against Hillary may not even result in Hillary not winning(provided our votes even count). SO many people are disgusted with the both of them, and that shouldn't be ignored.
Grudem puts a LOT of trust in Trump...The basis of the entire argument rises and falls based on if Trump is trustworthy or not. The SCOTUS list is great...but Trump only said he "may" put in justices "like" that. Those are vague words from a man who is a known manipulator. Sure, if Trump appoints 5 extremely conservative justices, all will be merry and peachy in the US...that's basically the argument he makes! But...and a huge and important BUT...will he do it? Trump's entire persona and livelyhood have always been looking out for himself. He broke his marriage vows time and again...he's been involved in fraud...I really am not comfortable putting my trust in a man like that. Yes, his character absolutely matters. Grudem calls him a patriot...I don't know where he has any evidence of that(yelling "I love this country" isn't patriotic, by my definittion). He makes a lot of strong opinions without much evidence....Also, he makes assumptions that these theoretical conservative justices will even get the opportunity to overturn all of these things that have been in place for years, or even decades. A case has to be made and brought to them...they don't just go and find those old case files and rip them up. And in the mean time, they are doing you know, "judge stuff" and hearing all of the other pressing matters before them...I highly doubt their first priority will be to overturn these things...
I have the pleasure of raising a strong willed toddler...he's going to be 3 in November. When he wants me to obey his "commands", believe a need, etc. he says a phrase, usually three times, ever more emphatic with each repetition. It reminds me of virtually everything I hear Trump say. He stands on a stage, says something, says it louder and more upset, and then yells it. This isn't isn't a way to win an argument or convince someone of isn't a way to lead....I believe that for all "Trump's policies" that they were written by someone else, who is very familiar with party lines, and says exactly what the Republican party wants to hear. If you ask Trump about abortion he simply say "I hate abortion" 3 or 4 times, when he was an avid pro-choicer (and democrat)for a long time - like, his entire life. He supported a lot of Obama's failed policies that put our nation in this mess and I truly think he is CLUELESS about being a Republican, the US government, etc. He also avidly supported the Clintons for a very long time...the very person he is running against. And you know who isn't clueless? The senators and congressmen currently in office...they are savvy and will absolutely will take advantage of him. Trump has seemingly no understanding of the Constitution and doesn't seem to have a desire for it either. Grudem uses the argument that Trump will "most likely" do what he says...Obama did the exact opposite of what he said on more than one occasion - so we know "most likely" isn't a valid argument and Trump has already flip-flopped on many of this strong statements within mere hours of Cruz dropping out of this race...Trump seeks only his own glory and pleasures...and is highly unpredictable...I don't think ANYTHING could be said of Trump that he will "most likely" do anything...because, you know what...he's a jerk. He's rebellious by nature, and if we so much as think he will most likely do something, he would more likely NOT do it, just to show he can do what he wants. This is the nature of Trump. This is not someone I want running our country, signing bills and acts, and establishing trade policies! He knows he has billions, and he can make horrible decisions knowing he's still going to be more than fine in the doesn't matter if he screws the little guy...he's been doing that with his businesses for decades...
Essentially, Grudem paints a picture of apocalyptic nature with Hillary as president and an idyllic bed of roses with Trump as president...honestly, I think either of them as president results in a very distorted view of America. I absolutely think it does matter who we vote for, however. I think that God has pretty clearly given us an image of what a good leader looks like. Unfortunately, none running for president are "godly" persay...but some are well experienced and don't have dead bodies, mistresses, and scandals in their closet...I think Johnson has a great chance at winning, I really think he does. I don't like everything about him, but I think he would stand by the Constitution, and make good calls for this country, as well as his policies for taxes and such are great - and we have excellent examples of where they have already worked - in NM when he was governor. New Mexicans are supportive of him running, and Weld(Johnson's running mate), from Massachusetts seems to have garnered a lot of support as well. They were both Republican governors and had a lot of support from democrats as well, and had two terms with good results as far as unemployment, taxes, etc. I'm comfortable voting FOR him, not using him as an "against Hillary/Trump" piece. Jill Stein(Green Party) even seems intriguing, as well as Darrell Castle(Constitutionalist party)....I honestly think any of those three would be better than our current front-runners. They have understanding of the law, experience, and very different ideas on how to lead our country wisely.
I want to close with this - I don't think that voting Trump in is the right thing for me. I'm morally convicted not to vote for such a man who I believe has no business in one of the most viewed and prominent seats in the world. James 4:17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. For me, it is sin to vote for him or Hillary. I hope this has made sense and I hope you all have a blessed weekend!
Edited to add, on 10-10-2016 - Wayne Grudem has recanted his position and wrote a new post on this topic, which you can read here!